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The Unpainted Miniatures' Revenge
11 octobre 2020

Epic 40k: the Squats roll out !

Epic 40k: the Squats roll out !
Starting a new army for Epic 40.000: the space dwarfs, also known as Squats! As one could expect, W40k's dwarfs are skilled engineers producing some of the most powerful warmachines of the universe, but they are also bikers burning the roads with motorcycles,...
26 septembre 2020

Legion of the Damned: the Techmarine

Legion of the Damned: the Techmarine
With the return to some more classic work schedule, painting have reduced greatly these last months, and the Aliens project has been put on hold despite his good start. Epic has been my main attention of the summer mini-wise (beach & ocean remaining top...
28 avril 2020

Tabletop World : The Water Well (of wishes)

Tabletop World : The Water Well (of wishes)
Hi Second piece of scenery from Tabletop World i'm painting : the water well. It is a small & nice piece of resin, very well detailed and casted. I'm really loving these and i'll probably buy more in the future. The biggest buildings are extremely detailed...
13 juin 2019

Space Hulk Boarding Party

Space Hulk Boarding Party
Hello there It's finally time to talk a bit more about the Terminator squad which assaulted master's Nico 3D Space Hulk board in Metz for the French Oldhammer Day that took place a few weeks ago. Originally based on clear plastic to honor the gorgeous...
19 mai 2018

TMNT X 40k: Oldhammer Day in Metz

TMNT X 40k: Oldhammer Day in Metz
Now some halt during the Warzone Resurrection world campaign for some commercial cross-over with a taste of old stuff! I've always loved Ninja Turtles. After several discussions on various medias about 41st millenia of early days, i had been thinking...
2 février 2016

Bring on The Thunder!

Bring on The Thunder!
Finally the first 2016 painting... That was supposed to be the last of 2015 :( Anyway, here is my version of Psycho Sam. This miniature was produced by Copplestone Miniatures, paid by the US Oldhamer community. Their tribute consisted in a miniature who...
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The Unpainted Miniatures' Revenge